What is Acupuncture and Why Should I Consider it for My Wellbeing? Wellbeing made simple

6th january 2022

What is Acupuncture and Why Should I Consider it for My Wellbeing?


We live in a time where we have a wide array of medicines and therapies within our reach to improve our health and well-being. From traditional Western medicine to alternative medicine with Eastern influences, there’s myriad practices we can employ to improve our health. We not only have medicines to ease our ailments, but we also have more natural-based methodologies available to us that leverage the body’s innate healing power.

One such therapeutic practice is acupuncture. The name and the needles might be off-putting to some but rest assured that it is not a painful practice like the pictures might seem. It is rather a minimally invasive technique that, when applied by an experienced and qualified acupuncturist, has effective healing and pain-relieving capabilities.


What is acupuncture?

Based on ancient Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a method used to treat a variety of conditions by using thin needles to “trigger” points on the body. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have identified over 2,000 points on the human body that contain meridians and pathways that connect to different tissues, organs, and bodily systems. They believe that these pathways conduct an energy flow, called qi or chi, in the body that corresponds to overall health.

According to Chinese medicine, disease and illness is caused by a disturbance of this energy flow. The principle behind acupuncture is to insert the needles into the points on the surface of the skin in the area of the body experiencing an energy disruption. For instance, if you are experiencing migraines, the acupuncturist might place the needles on points around your head, neck, and shoulders.

The needles are very thin and cause virtually no discomfort when inserted. But their positioning on the body triggers a response that can relieve pain, heal injuries, bolster the immune system, and improve blood flow.

While acupuncture is not effective with all illnesses and conditions, it is very effective in treating a variety of other ailments. It is used to manage and alleviate pain. It has also shown to be effective with migraines, sprains, hypertension, insomnia, and osteoarthritis.


How Might I Benefit from Acupuncture?

Besides relieving pain and other symptoms, acupuncture has many benefits that can help improve your life. Here are some other ways it can improve your health and wellness:

  • It is relaxing. We live in a hustle and bustle society that makes relaxation difficult to achieve. Many people report feeling content and relaxed after an acupuncture session. Persistent and compounding stress can generate serious health issues in our body. Acupuncture involves little effort on your part, giving you and your body the space to calm nerves and reduces stress. All you must to do enjoy it.
  • It boosts the immune system. The process of acupuncture releases pathogens from your body. When these pathogens are removed, your body can recover more quickly when you are ill. It also boosts your natural defenses, which can help you from getting sick in the first place.
  • It can be easily integrated with other therapies. Acupuncture and physical therapy, for instance, work very well together to heal injuries, increase flexibility, and stimulate cell growth for faster healing.
  • It provides holistic health. Not only does is it support the immune system, but acupuncture can also trigger your body’s natural healing capabilities, thereby providing more stable and long-term wellness.
  • It is affordable. Many treatments based on Western medicine can be costly. Acupuncture is not, and if it helps you with your symptoms without the need for more drastic measures, you’ll save that much more time and money.
  • It has many benefits specific to women. Women experience unique complications and challenges from bearing the burden of reproduction. Acupuncture can be used to treat pain associated with PMS and the hormonal changes during menopause. It is also effective in promoting fertility in women and men.
  • It can aid digestion. Coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, acupuncture can instill balance in your gastrointestinal system that promotes proper digestion.
  • It is not invasive. It might sound like it is, but acupuncture is a gentle process that can curb the need from more invasive surgeries.
  • It has very few side effects. Aside from the possibility of some pressure and mild discomfort during a session, acupuncture has almost no side effects.
  • It can help with mental wellbeing. The physical responses that acupuncture incites are numerous. It can also help alleviate the mental anguish common with those who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Acupuncture has various uses and the capability to work with other therapies to improve our health and elevate our well-being. As beneficial as it is, we suggest speaking with your doctor before beginning acupuncture and then working with a qualified and experienced acupuncturist. Visit our practitioners page for details on our resident acupuncture therapist Ingrid Huang